Parchment Size 14 Inch (36cm)span style=font-size: 18px;> Ktav ScriptAshkenaz Bais Yosefspan style=font-size: 18px;> Status :Ready by Shavuos תשפאspan style=font-size: 18px;> This Sefer torah was written by the Sofer R’ Elchonon Appel of Yerushalayim, Israel. It took approximately one year to write. It is written on 14 inch/ 36 cm Shlil Quality Klaf/ Parchment.span style=font-size: 18px;> Approximately 75 -100 letters were left open from the final letters of the Sefer Torah to allow participation at the Siyum Celebration, completion of the Torah Scroll.span style=font-size: 18px;> This is the 7th Sefer Torah Scroll that R’ Elchonon has written for Tiferes Stam.span style=font-size: 18px;> Included in price is the Sefer Torah with all inspections and final inspection by computer to ensure Sefer Torah is 100% Kosher.span style=font-size: 18px;> Complete Sefer Torah available for viewing.span style=font-size: 18px;> Ready for completions of final letters.span style=font-size: 18px;> Custom sized Atzei Chaim Torah Rollers available at additional cost.span style=font-size: 18px;> Custom embroidered Torah Mantel is available at additional cost.
Small Miniature Sefer Torah Scroll 14 Inch Ashkenaz Bais Yosef – Ready by Shavuos תשפא
Categories: Portable Torah Case, Sefer Torah Scrolls
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